• Hillcrest Academy website.... http:/hillcrest.schoolqc.ca/

Oct. 15 - Oct. 19

This Week's Daily Online Math:
Use available links to practice multiplication and division


1. Journal: My Favourite Haunt (due next Monday)

2. Prism: p. 61- 63 Test on Wednesday

3. Reading Comprehension test Tomorrow (mummification links - spelling counts)

4. Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egyptian Math stencil  numbers 1-12, 1-5

5. CSI Egypt: stencil the sphinxEDMODO - work in class


Prism: Chapter 3 Test tomorrow

EDMODO: finish the Sphinx part 3

Wednesday - Library

1. CSI Egypt: Gods &Goddesses stencil

2. ERC: Mummification reflection

EDMODO: Gods & Goddesses parts 1-3


Ancient Egypt: Problem Solving

* Barbies for next Monday


1. Planet Earth Diaries: Compose a detailed paragraph

  • introductory sentence
  • 4-6 detailed supporting sentences
  • concluding sentence/ reflection


  • Journal and Barbies due Monday