• Hillcrest Academy website.... http:/hillcrest.schoolqc.ca/

Course Outlines 2014- 2015

In Ms. Koscher's Grade 5, we enjoy Technology in a classroom where the teacher becomes more of a guide as attention is focused on the learner who takes on a more active role in his or her learning. Our classroom is a place where there is:
  • A means to INCREASE interaction and personalized contact time between students and teachers.
  • An environment where students take responsibility for their own learning
  • A classroom where students who are absent due to illness or extra-curricular activities such as athletics or field-trips, don't get left behind.
  • A class where content is permanently archived  for review or remediation.
  • A class where all students are engaged in their learning.
  • A place where all students can get a personalized education.
from: http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-class-conversation-689.php


Edmodo promotes any time, any place learning. It provides a free and secure social learning space for a class to connect and collaborate.
Teachers and students can post messages, discuss topics, assign and grade class work.
Teachers and students can share digital content such as links, pictures, videos, documents and presentations.


Within the parent account homepage, parents can:
  • Get a "Dashboard" view of their child’s school activities including:
    • Assignments Due- A list of upcoming assignments
    • Late Assignments- A list of assignments that are past due.
    • New grades- Recent grades that their child has received.
    • Upcoming Events- A list of upcoming calendar notices which may include assignments, school events, tests, etc.
    • Assignment Comments- Recent teacher feedback provided on their assignments.
  • View announcements and messages from teachers and administrators.
Within the calendar (located on the top navigation menu), a parent can see all of their child’s events, due dates, and assignments. They can filter to see a single child’s calendar by selecting the child’s name from the drop down menu located at the top right corner of the calendar. To scroll through other months, select the forward and backward arrows in the upper left corner of the calendar.

From the grades page, a parent can see all assignments given to their student. They can filter between their student’s groups from the left navigation panel.

Select any assignment title to view the grade for their assignment and any comments provided by the teacher.
from: http://edjudo.com/edmodo-review-social-networking-for-teachers-and-students.html

**Please visit Edmodo Home Page for more detailed information.

MobyMax, on Edmodo, is for all students, in both English and Math. Moby's adaptive curriculum creates a unique, individualized education plan for each student, allowing gifted students to progress as quickly as they like while simultaneously ensuring that remedial students get the extra, differentiated instruction they need. With the help of diagnostic placement tests, MobyMax is able to create a unique curriculum for each student.  Moby targets areas where students are struggling (helps ensure IEPs are kept relevant) and doesn't waste time reteaching concepts that students have already mastered. Student data is continually updated and available as students progress.
from: http://www.mobymax.com/Max/

Students can make use of Khan Academy's extensive library of content, including interactive challenges, assessments, and videos from any computer with access to the web. As well,
parents and teachers have unprecedented visibility into what their students are learning and doing on Khan Academy.
from: http://www.khanacademy.org/about

I plan to use Google Docs with my classes. All my Google Docs can sync with my Edmodo Library. This will allow me to share documents with my Edmodo groups and students can easily turn-in assignments completed via Google Docs. For more detailed information on how students can use Google Docs in my classroom:
from: http://help.edmodo.com/teachers/how-to-link-your-google-docs-to-your-library/


As our class strives to be a paperless society, many of the following assignments and activities will be offered online, on Edmodo, as well as on paper.


Reading Comprehension is designed to improve students' reading skills; something needed for success in both work and play. Through different tasks, students will learn to focus their attention on looking for details, main ideas, interpret direction clues, organize their thinking and distinguish fact from opinion.


The Grammar/Vocabulary activities are designed to develop essential reading and writing skills. The exercises in the units are created to · introduce fundamental grammar concepts · develop and extend vocabulary · include conventions of spelling, punctuation and word usage.

SPELLING COUNTS (even if there's no spelling test)

Why is spelling important?

· It is a courtesy to the reader and an aid to communication when words are spelled correctly.

· Occasionally a misspelled word can actually change the meaning of a text and lead to serious miscommunication.

· Misspellings are a distraction to the reader, drawing attention away from the meaning, and possibly, lowering the credibility of the writer.

· To some, a poorly spelled message implies a careless attitude and careless thinking.


A project gives students the opportunity to demonstrate independence and originality, to plan and organize a large project over a long period, and to put into practice some of the techniques taught in class. Whatever the level of academic achievement so far, each student can show individuality and inspiration in a project. Projects will be presented through different media: paper, orals, videos, etc.


Writing or presenting a book report helps students practice giving opinions about different aspects of the book while exploring characters and themes. Students will learn to summarize, compare & contrast, make predictions & connections, and consider different perspectives-skills needed throughout life.


Working in BOOK CLUBS is an important component of the English program. Children gather together in small groups to read and discuss a chosen piece of literature. They engage in critical thinking and reflection as they read, discuss, and respond to books. Collaboration is at the heart of this approach. Students reshape and add onto their understanding as they construct meaning with other readers.


English Language Arts will be evaluated by a variety of reading and writing assignments, tests, oral and listening activities, active participation in class discussions and activities. Parents will immediately see much of their child's progress via Edmodo. Also, a Progress Report duo tang will be sent home every couple of weeks or so to keep parents up to date regarding their child's "paper" progress.  Criteria & expectations are individualized for those who work with an I.E.P.


As our class strives to be a paperless society, many of the following assignments and activities will be offered online, on Edmodo, as well as on paper.


Mathematical applications are a part of our daily routines. A complete understanding of mathematical true-to-life concepts gives students a solid foundation for success. The various math programs used in class will help students develop a personal application for math. Students will gain a solid understanding of and confidence in numeric fundamentals.


The students will work daily on understanding & solving mathematical concepts in their Decimal workbook. The Decimal Math program will be supplemented with several resources (hard copy and online) to build concept development using language, concrete examples and experiences.

* Decimal Math is designed to help students work independently at their own skill level.
* Problem Solving Strategies are presented in the workbook.
* The program provides coverage of all major areas of mathematics deemed by MELS including geometry, algebra, number sense and numeration, measurement, data management and probability.
* Decimal Math ensures that all students are given the opportunity to succeed!


Online math activities reinforce math concepts as they help children see that math is all around - at home, in school, in the playground, and everywhere. The various activities are built on the belief that students should use computational procedures that are personally meaningful for them. Students are encouraged to invent their own strategies and procedures by building on the knowledge they already have. The activities promote reading, comprehension, critical thinking and problem solving skills.

I will make several relevant online sites available to the students weekly to help them practice concepts and study for tests. The links will include video lesson reviews, worksheets (self-correct) and activity sites that will reinforce learned concepts.

I will facilitate student learning through setting up problems, monitoring student exploration, and negotiating meaning and understanding with the student. Students share their invented procedures with their classmates and explain the reasoning behind them. All methods are valued and supported. Students do their own evaluations of the procedures they see and try. They adopt those that make sense to them.


Math literacy will be strengthened as students learn to formulate, represent & solve mathematical problems. They will reflect, explain and justify their procedures using appropriate mathematic language and symbols. Problem Solving, or situational problems, involves learned concepts as well as reading & comprehension skills. It focuses on the process of solving a problem rather than solely on the solution. Each problem takes the students through a problem solving process, encouraging them to improve their skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately.


Math will be evaluated on daily work, homework checks, group work, activities and tests. A Progress Report duo tang will be sent home every couple of weeks to keep parents up to date regarding their child's progress. Edmodo will also be used to gather information documenting the student’s progress. Criteria & expectations are individualized for those who work with an I.E.P.


Reading: The informational reading assignments are both online and on hardcopy. The students will use the reading assignments to either introduce themselves to the topic or to expand on a familiar topic. Reading for pleasure is also incorporated into our schedule.

Online Math: This practice allows students to improve their efficiency. It should be done daily for 10-20 minutes. This allows for more time when trying to solve a situational problem.
This regular revision  of math concepts is especially important during the weeks when students are in French.

Planet Earth Diaries: The students watch a vignette and we create a graphic organizer together as we discuss the information. The children brainstorm to create a topic sentence. We review and revise the topic sentences together. From this point, the students build a paragraph using the information in the graphic organizer.

Problem Solving: The situational problem involves reading comprehension, decision making and computation. The students are introduced to strategies in class and work with word problems in Prism. We discuss the steps and strategies used in detail. The children are asked to review the strategies regularly, as they continually come up during the year.

Homework (Assignments and Communication): While this often refers to assignments to be completed mostly out of class, our "homework" is mostly made up assignments started in class and that may need to be completed or revised & improved at home. If a child has a good understanding of the task and has developed good work habits, the work is often nearly completed in class, resulting in very little "homework." Assignments posted on Edmodo are easily available to students who are absent or parents who want to stay informed.

Agenda: While daily work is posted on Edmodo, I still require students to copy their day-to-day assignments in their agendas. This promotes good organizational and time-management skills, both important now and in high school.

I.E.P.: For those students who struggle with the grade 5 program, there is an Individualized Education Program set up to meet their specific needs.The teacher(s) gauge the students' difficulties and come up with helpful strategies. The parents are provided with a copy of the I.E.P. and it is noted in the report card that the student is working on an individualized program rather than the regular grade 5 curriculum.


I am available to help students at morning recesses if students are experiencing difficulties with their work assignments. Peer tutors may also help those in need during this time. It is on a voluntary basis so the children assume responsibility for their learning.


I know you want your child to succeed as do I. Success is important every day and is not only measured at the end of the year. You should congratulate each accomplishment as it comes. At school, your child needs to set goals and work to achieve them. The same should happen at home. I ask that you be present, to help your child in daily homework assignments and studies and that you show an interest in what we do in class.

Edmodo notifications allows you to observe the important events and activity on your child's account. It is automatically updated as your child uses Edmodo and participates in the groups. I would request that you be involved in what your child is doing in school and to be encouraging, in both your child’s strengths and weaknesses. If your child sees you as an active and available parent, I believe it will be easier for you, for your child and for me to have a successful partnership, to achieve our common objectives -your child's academic success.

CLASS RULES - Only three!

1. Treating others the way you want to be treated
2. Showing kindness and consideration
3. Liking yourself enough to be yourself
4. Accepting others for who they are

1. Being in control of your own behaviour
2. Being trusted with important jobs
3. Having your work finished on time
4. Doing your part when working together

1. Achieving goals through commitment and hard work
2. Giving your best in everything you choose to do
3. Trying without giving up or giving in
4. Making the most of every opportunity

In class, students are encouraged to work both cooperatively & independently to meet their goals.

While we have several motivators for good work and behavior in our class, all Hillcrest students exercise a policy of good conduct and behaviour that allows those who follow the rules of conduct and who work well in class to be compensated during a reward activity each month. Those students who lose too many points will not participate in the activity but will have a chance to improve for next time. The point system is found in the agenda, at the start of each month. Parents are asked to sign the page weekly to keep abreast of their child's behaviour.